
Learn from an elder

“Society has always learned from its elders. but somewhere along the way we have lost that connection between generations — which means losing rich, valuable, and rare skills.

We’re on a mission to fix this and we need your help.”

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Raising a reader!

“The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is proud to release “Raising a Reader! How Comics & Graphic Novels Can Help Your Kids Love To Read!,” a new resource for parents and educators about the learning benefits of comics!

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A different EdCamp

A very interesting effort made by a group of teachers using the available and free resources such as twitter and Google+ to create an online environment to share their teaching experiences.

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A gamified hiring process

For some people, playing video games is a dream job. For the rest of us, playing video games might be a way to get a dream job too. A video game called Ballon Brigade will be soon used to map and measure your strengths, promising to ease hiring processes.

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The Evolution of the Web

A great info graphic that represents the evolution of the web, from mosaic (not really the first browser, but certainly the most influential) to Chrome.

Source: Evolution of web