DLC Talks: Digital Literacies and the Public Voice of Girls in Social Activism
Located in girlhood studies as a discipline and with reference to Girlhood Studies, the journal, this presentation seeks to deepen an understanding of the relationship between new literacies and age-old issues related to how the voice of girls and young women has long been silenced collectively and individually.
Visit the DLC YouTube Channel
Thank you to the LLED 368: Multiliteracies in the Language Arts Classroom for exploring digital space around campus and filming your progress through the iPad app Ingress. See some of their work on the Digital Literacy Centre’s YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCcOUrhz5h2KynF_WBwBlcg.
Improving both Science and Literacy through integrated Science & Literacy Instruction
DLC Talks Lecture by David Pearson, Graduate School of Education, UC Berkeley Monday, June 15. time: Noon – 1:00pm At DLC: Ponderosa F 103
New Project: Virtual Shakespearean Players
On Thursday, April 2nd, Kyle Stooshnov presented Virtual Roaming onto an Early Modern Stage, part of the Shakespeare Association of America’s Digital Salon. This project involves creating a stage for both player/avatar to perform and a virtual audience to watch the performances. Please watch the video for a brief analysis of this new project in digital […]
Life Online – Canada-wide Wired World
Phase three of the MediaSmarts’ report on the role of Internet-connected students, based upon a classroom survey from grades 4 to 11. Please click on this link to read the Executive Summary and Full Report: Young Canadians in a Wired World, Phase III: Life Online Attribution: http://mediasmarts.ca/ycww for this infographic.