DLC Series: Language and Literacy on the Frontiers of Digital Poetry

dlc_slider_jimandrews       DLC. Jim Andrews profile pic

How is digital media transforming language? The poet-programmer Jim Andrews has been navigating the frontiers of digital literacy since 1996. His site vispo.com is well-known in the international circles of electronic literature as an innovative centre of interactive, multimedia poetry, essays on language and technology, and generative art. In this DLC Series session, Jim will talk about the transformation of language, discuss some of the pedagogical possibilities of digital poetry, and show us some unique multimedia online poetry.

Refreshments will be served.
Please RSVP for this event by emailing Ron Darvin at ron.darvin@ubc.ca by November 11.

Selected URLs:

The Stir Fry Texts: http://vispo.com/StirFryTexts
Enigma n: http://vispo.com/animisms/enigman
Arteroids: http://vispo.com/arteroids
Nio: http://vispo.com/nio
A Pen: http://vispo.com/nio/pens
Videogames as Literary Devices: http://vispo.com/writings/essays/VideogamesAsLiteraryDevices.pdf
Why I am a Net Artist: http://netartery.vispo.com/?p=1202
Computer Art and the Theory of Computation: http://netartery.vispo.com/?p=1174
Digital Writing Circa 2004: http://vispo.com/writings/essays/DigitalWritingCirca2004.pdf